Hellow, i am ebonee. i am staying at mickorl howse for a bit wile mi uprite, elizzerbeth is on her hollidays. it is not nise heer.
i gett shutt in playses. thay downt let me owt in kase i get lost. i am 18. i am verri spritely. this is a term hewmans yews to diskribe peepel hu ar a bit owld but bizzi and rushing abowt. I am bissi and rushing abowt.
i am def. therfor i kannot heer mi own voyse, but apparentli (not shor how i no this, but i du) i make verri lowd waley noises, and the gests heer me, so now i am staying in the annex with simon and vannesser.
that silli ted, hu thincs he is so cleva and bashes up most kats, butt he is skeered ov me and hides unda the steers. hahaha. i like sky, and i think she likes me. she kepes luking at me. barnee and me ar best frends.
i am gowing home tommorrow. that wil be gud.