Tuesday, 15 December 2009

owtrajed ov trenno

it is owtrajus that this nu kat kan just wonnder inn and gett orl the fud and wee on the flor and then get a kuddorl. and skie has a bash on her nowse and i DIDD NOTT DU itt.

here is wi it is orl rong:

I sit on Henree the huver

or the windowsill

Merlin sits in my bed. hee is not really yello, that is just the vannesser duing bad fotos.

he snuggorls up with the gests teddeee bere, in the rume no animorls ar allowd inn, I mite ad

OK, OK, acksherlli, we get on verri wel. this foto went yello and bleri, butt wee hav evern slept in the saym kat bed together. Wee both got up verri kwiklee wen the vanesser went to get her kamerer, we ar not reddi to go publik as frends yet.

he is veri messi at eting. apparentlee, it may bee becos his wiskers ar long and he dus not like the feling of them on the ej ov the bole, so tayks the fud owt.



  1. Is THAT why they take their food out of their bowls before eating it? I never even thought that might be the cause...........

    Thanks for funny comment on my blog re the snow......... ha! ha!

  2. yes, apparently, it makes sense, but i had never thought of it either! Now using a large tray to feed them on, in the hope that is as far as the food will go!
